#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /// Maximum number of tiles unless the user chooses a non-zero value. #define DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_TILES 1024 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tile set (TS) and tile map (TM) file formats. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Maximum length of path strings in .TS and .TM files. #define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 128 typedef struct Ts_Tile { uint16_t width; /// Tile width in pixels. uint16_t height; /// Tile height in pixels. Pixel pixels[1]; /// Count: width * height. } Ts_Tile; typedef struct Ts_TileSet { uint16_t num_tiles; uint16_t max_tile_width; /// Maximum tile width in pixels. uint16_t max_tile_height; /// Maximum tile height in pixels. Ts_Tile tiles[1]; /// Count: num_tiles. } Ts_TileSet; typedef struct Tm_Layer { union { char tileset_path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; // Relative to the Tm_Map file. }; Tile tiles[1]; /// Count: world_width * world_height. } Tm_Layer; typedef struct Tm_Map { uint16_t world_width; /// World width in number of tiles. uint16_t world_height; /// World height in number of tiles. uint16_t base_tile_width; uint16_t base_tile_height; uint16_t num_layers; Tm_Layer layers[1]; // Count: num_layers. } Tm_Map; static inline const Tm_Layer* tm_map_get_next_layer( const Tm_Map* map, const Tm_Layer* layer) { assert(map); assert(layer); return (const Tm_Layer*)((const uint8_t*)layer + sizeof(Tm_Layer) + ((map->world_width * map->world_height - 1) * sizeof(Tile))); } static inline const Ts_Tile* ts_tileset_get_next_tile( const Ts_TileSet* tileset, const Ts_Tile* tile) { assert(tileset); assert(tile); return (const Ts_Tile*)((const uint8_t*)tile + sizeof(Ts_Tile) + ((tile->width * tile->height - 1) * sizeof(Pixel))); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Renderer state. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // typedef Ts_Tile TileData; typedef struct TileData { uint16_t width; uint16_t height; uint16_t num_blocks; // Number of pixel blocks in the pixels mempool. uint16_t pixels_index; // Offset into the pixels mempool. } TileData; DEF_MEMPOOL_DYN(TilePool, TileData) DEF_MEMPOOL_DYN(PixelPool, Pixel) typedef struct IsoGfx { int screen_width; int screen_height; int tile_width; int tile_height; int world_width; int world_height; Tile* world; Pixel* screen; TilePool tiles; PixelPool pixels; } IsoGfx; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Math and world / tile / screen access. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct ivec2 { int x, y; } ivec2; typedef struct vec2 { double x, y; } vec2; static inline ivec2 ivec2_add(ivec2 a, ivec2 b) { return (ivec2){.x = a.x + b.x, .y = a.y + b.y}; } static inline ivec2 ivec2_scale(ivec2 a, int s) { return (ivec2){.x = a.x * s, .y = a.y * s}; } static inline ivec2 iso2cart(ivec2 iso, int s, int t, int w) { return (ivec2){ .x = (iso.x - iso.y) * (s / 2) + (w / 2), .y = (iso.x + iso.y) * (t / 2)}; } // Method 1. // static inline vec2 cart2iso(vec2 cart, int s, int t, int w) { // const double x = cart.x - (double)(w / 2); // const double xiso = (x * t + cart.y * s) / (double)(s * t); // return (vec2){ // .x = (int)(xiso), .y = (int)((2.0 / (double)t) * cart.y - xiso)}; //} // Method 2. static inline vec2 cart2iso(vec2 cart, int s, int t, int w) { const double one_over_s = 1. / (double)s; const double one_over_t = 1. / (double)t; const double x = cart.x - (double)(w / 2); return (vec2){ .x = (one_over_s * x + one_over_t * cart.y), .y = (-one_over_s * x + one_over_t * cart.y)}; } static const Pixel* tile_xy_const_ref( const IsoGfx* iso, const TileData* tile, int x, int y) { assert(iso); assert(tile); assert(x >= 0); assert(y >= 0); assert(x < tile->width); assert(y < tile->height); return &mempool_get_block( &iso->pixels, tile->pixels_index)[y * tile->width + x]; } static Pixel tile_xy(const IsoGfx* iso, const TileData* tile, int x, int y) { return *tile_xy_const_ref(iso, tile, x, y); } static Pixel* tile_xy_mut(const IsoGfx* iso, TileData* tile, int x, int y) { return (Pixel*)tile_xy_const_ref(iso, tile, x, y); } static inline const Tile* world_xy_const_ref(const IsoGfx* iso, int x, int y) { assert(iso); assert(x >= 0); assert(y >= 0); assert(x < iso->world_width); assert(y < iso->world_height); return &iso->world[y * iso->world_width + x]; } static inline Tile world_xy(const IsoGfx* iso, int x, int y) { return *world_xy_const_ref(iso, x, y); } static inline Tile* world_xy_mut(IsoGfx* iso, int x, int y) { return (Tile*)world_xy_const_ref(iso, x, y); } static inline const Pixel* screen_xy_const_ref( const IsoGfx* iso, int x, int y) { assert(iso); assert(x >= 0); assert(y >= 0); assert(x < iso->screen_width); assert(y < iso->screen_height); return &iso->screen[y * iso->screen_width + x]; } static inline Pixel screen_xy(IsoGfx* iso, int x, int y) { return *screen_xy_const_ref(iso, x, y); } static inline Pixel* screen_xy_mut(IsoGfx* iso, int x, int y) { return (Pixel*)screen_xy_const_ref(iso, x, y); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Renderer, world and tile management. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IsoGfx* isogfx_new(const IsoGfxDesc* desc) { assert(desc->screen_width > 0); assert(desc->screen_height > 0); // Part of our implementation assumes even widths and heights for precision. assert((desc->screen_width & 1) == 0); assert((desc->screen_height & 1) == 0); IsoGfx* iso = calloc(1, sizeof(IsoGfx)); if (!iso) { return 0; } iso->screen_width = desc->screen_width; iso->screen_height = desc->screen_height; const int screen_size = desc->screen_width * desc->screen_height; if (!(iso->screen = calloc(screen_size, sizeof(Pixel)))) { goto cleanup; } return iso; cleanup: isogfx_del(&iso); return 0; } /// Destroy the world and its tile set. static void destroy_world(IsoGfx* iso) { assert(iso); if (iso->world) { free(iso->world); iso->world = 0; } mempool_del(&iso->tiles); mempool_del(&iso->pixels); } void isogfx_del(IsoGfx** pIso) { assert(pIso); IsoGfx* iso = *pIso; if (iso) { destroy_world(iso); if (iso->screen) { free(iso->screen); iso->screen = 0; } free(iso); *pIso = 0; } } bool isogfx_make_world(IsoGfx* iso, const WorldDesc* desc) { assert(iso); assert(desc); assert(desc->tile_width > 0); assert(desc->tile_height > 0); // Part of our implementation assumes even widths and heights for greater // precision. assert((desc->tile_width & 1) == 0); assert((desc->tile_height & 1) == 0); // Handle recreation by destroying the previous world. destroy_world(iso); iso->tile_width = desc->tile_width; iso->tile_height = desc->tile_height; iso->world_width = desc->world_width; iso->world_height = desc->world_height; const int world_size = desc->world_width * desc->world_height; const int tile_size = desc->tile_width * desc->tile_height; const int tile_size_bytes = tile_size * (int)sizeof(Pixel); const int tile_pool_size = desc->max_num_tiles > 0 ? desc->max_num_tiles : DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_TILES; if (!(iso->world = calloc(world_size, sizeof(Tile)))) { goto cleanup; } if (!mempool_make_dyn(&iso->tiles, tile_pool_size, tile_size_bytes)) { goto cleanup; } return true; cleanup: destroy_world(iso); mempool_del(&iso->tiles); return false; } bool isogfx_load_world(IsoGfx* iso, const char* filepath) { assert(iso); assert(filepath); bool success = false; // Handle recreation by destroying the previous world. destroy_world(iso); // Load the map. printf("Load tile map: %s\n", filepath); Tm_Map* map = read_file(filepath); if (!map) { goto cleanup; } // Allocate memory for the map and tile sets. const int world_size = map->world_width * map->world_height; const int base_tile_size = map->base_tile_width * map->base_tile_height; const int base_tile_size_bytes = base_tile_size * (int)sizeof(Pixel); // TODO: Need to get the total number of tiles from the map. const int tile_pool_size = DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_TILES; if (!(iso->world = calloc(world_size, sizeof(Tile)))) { goto cleanup; } if (!mempool_make_dyn(&iso->tiles, tile_pool_size, sizeof(TileData))) { goto cleanup; } if (!mempool_make_dyn(&iso->pixels, tile_pool_size, base_tile_size_bytes)) { goto cleanup; } // Load the tile sets. const Tm_Layer* layer = &map->layers[0]; // TODO: Handle num_layers layers. for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) { const char* ts_path = layer->tileset_path; // Tile set path is relative to the tile map file. Make it relative to the // current working directory before loading. char ts_path_cwd[PATH_MAX] = {0}; if (!make_relative_path(MAX_PATH_LENGTH, filepath, ts_path, ts_path_cwd)) { goto cleanup; } Ts_TileSet* tileset = read_file(ts_path_cwd); if (!tileset) { goto cleanup; }; // Load tile data. const Ts_Tile* tile = &tileset->tiles[0]; for (uint16_t j = 0; j < tileset->num_tiles; ++j) { // Tile dimensions should be a multiple of the base tile size. assert((tile->width % map->base_tile_width) == 0); assert((tile->height % map->base_tile_height) == 0); const uint16_t tile_size = tile->width * tile->height; // TODO: Add function in mempool to alloc N consecutive blocks. const int num_blocks = tile_size / base_tile_size; Pixel* pixels = mempool_alloc(&iso->pixels); assert(pixels); // This is ugly and assumes that blocks are allocated consecutively. for (int b = 1; b < num_blocks; ++b) { Pixel* block = mempool_alloc(&iso->pixels); assert(block); } memcpy(pixels, tile->pixels, tile_size * sizeof(Pixel)); TileData* tile_data = mempool_alloc(&iso->tiles); assert(tile_data); tile_data->width = tile->width; tile_data->height = tile->height; tile_data->num_blocks = (uint16_t)num_blocks; tile_data->pixels_index = (uint16_t)mempool_get_block_index(&iso->pixels, pixels); tile = ts_tileset_get_next_tile(tileset, tile); } printf("Loaded tile set (%u tiles): %s\n", tileset->num_tiles, ts_path_cwd); free(tileset); layer = tm_map_get_next_layer(map, layer); } // Load the map into the world. layer = &map->layers[0]; // TODO: Handle num_layers layers. for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) { memcpy(iso->world, layer->tiles, world_size * sizeof(Tile)); // TODO: We need to handle 'firsgid' in TMX files. for (int j = 0; j < world_size; ++j) { iso->world[j] -= 1; } layer = tm_map_get_next_layer(map, layer); } iso->world_width = map->world_width; iso->world_height = map->world_height; iso->tile_width = map->base_tile_width; iso->tile_height = map->base_tile_height; success = true; cleanup: if (map) { free(map); } if (!success) { destroy_world(iso); } return success; } int isogfx_world_width(const IsoGfx* iso) { assert(iso); return iso->world_width; } int isogfx_world_height(const IsoGfx* iso) { assert(iso); return iso->world_height; } /// Create a tile mask procedurally. static void make_tile_from_colour( const IsoGfx* iso, Pixel colour, TileData* tile) { assert(iso); assert(tile); const int width = tile->width; const int height = tile->height; const int r = width / height; for (int y = 0; y < height / 2; ++y) { const int mask_start = width / 2 - r * y - 1; const int mask_end = width / 2 + r * y + 1; for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { const bool mask = (mask_start <= x) && (x <= mask_end); const Pixel val = mask ? colour : (Pixel){.r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 0}; // Top half. *tile_xy_mut(iso, tile, x, y) = val; // Bottom half reflects the top half. const int y_reflected = height - y - 1; *tile_xy_mut(iso, tile, x, y_reflected) = val; } } } Tile isogfx_make_tile(IsoGfx* iso, const TileDesc* desc) { assert(iso); assert(desc); // Client must create world before creating tiles. assert(iso->tile_width > 0); assert(iso->tile_height > 0); TileData* tile = mempool_alloc(&iso->tiles); assert(tile); // TODO: Make this a hard assert. tile->width = desc->width; tile->height = desc->height; switch (desc->type) { case TileFromColour: make_tile_from_colour(iso, desc->colour, tile); break; case TileFromFile: assert(false); // TODO break; case TileFromMemory: assert(false); // TODO break; } return (Tile)mempool_get_block_index(&iso->tiles, tile); } void isogfx_set_tile(IsoGfx* iso, int x, int y, Tile tile) { assert(iso); *world_xy_mut(iso, x, y) = tile; } void isogfx_set_tiles(IsoGfx* iso, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Tile tile) { assert(iso); for (int y = y0; y < y1; ++y) { for (int x = x0; x < x1; ++x) { isogfx_set_tile(iso, x, y, tile); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rendering and picking. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void draw_tile(IsoGfx* iso, ivec2 origin, Tile tile) { assert(iso); const TileData* tile_data = mempool_get_block(&iso->tiles, tile); assert(tile_data); // Tile can exceed screen bounds, so we must clip it. #define max(a, b) (a > b ? a : b) const int py_offset = max(0, (int)tile_data->height - origin.y); origin.y = max(0, origin.y - (int)tile_data->height); // Clip along Y and X as we draw. for (int py = py_offset; (py < tile_data->height) && (origin.y + py < iso->screen_height); ++py) { const int sy = origin.y + py - py_offset; for (int px = 0; (px < tile_data->width) && (origin.x + px < iso->screen_width); ++px) { const Pixel colour = tile_xy(iso, tile_data, px, py); if (colour.a > 0) { const int sx = origin.x + px; *screen_xy_mut(iso, sx, sy) = colour; } } } // for (int py = 0; py < tile_data->height; ++py) { // for (int px = 0; px < tile_data->width; ++px) { // const Pixel colour = tile_xy(iso, tile_data, px, py); // if (colour.a > 0) { // const int sx = origin.x + px; // const int sy = origin.y + py; // if ((sx >= 0) && (sy >= 0) && (sx < iso->screen_width) && // (sy < iso->screen_height)) { // *screen_xy_mut(iso, sx, sy) = colour; // } // } // } // } } static void draw(IsoGfx* iso) { assert(iso); const int W = iso->screen_width; const int H = iso->screen_height; memset(iso->screen, 0, W * H * sizeof(Pixel)); // const ivec2 o = {(iso->screen_width / 2) - (iso->tile_width / 2), 0}; const ivec2 o = { (iso->screen_width / 2) - (iso->tile_width / 2), iso->tile_height}; const ivec2 x = {.x = iso->tile_width / 2, .y = iso->tile_height / 2}; const ivec2 y = {.x = -iso->tile_width / 2, .y = iso->tile_height / 2}; // TODO: Culling. // Ex: map the screen corners to tile space to cull. // Ex: walk in screen space and fetch the tile. // The tile-centric approach might be more cache-friendly since the // screen-centric approach would juggle multiple tiles throughout the scan. for (int ty = 0; ty < iso->world_height; ++ty) { for (int tx = 0; tx < iso->world_width; ++tx) { const Tile tile = world_xy(iso, tx, ty); const ivec2 so = ivec2_add(o, ivec2_add(ivec2_scale(x, tx), ivec2_scale(y, ty))); draw_tile(iso, so, tile); } } } void isogfx_pick_tile( const IsoGfx* iso, double xcart, double ycart, int* xiso, int* yiso) { assert(iso); assert(xiso); assert(yiso); const vec2 xy_iso = cart2iso( (vec2){.x = xcart, .y = ycart}, iso->tile_width, iso->tile_height, iso->screen_width); if ((0 <= xy_iso.x) && (xy_iso.x < iso->world_width) && (0 <= xy_iso.y) && (xy_iso.y < iso->world_height)) { *xiso = (int)xy_iso.x; *yiso = (int)xy_iso.y; } else { *xiso = -1; *yiso = -1; } } void isogfx_render(IsoGfx* iso) { assert(iso); draw(iso); } void isogfx_draw_tile(IsoGfx* iso, int x, int y, Tile tile) { assert(iso); assert(x >= 0); assert(y >= 0); assert(x < iso->world_width); assert(y < iso->world_height); const ivec2 o = {(iso->screen_width / 2) - (iso->tile_width / 2), 0}; const ivec2 vx = {.x = iso->tile_width / 2, .y = iso->tile_height / 2}; const ivec2 vy = {.x = -iso->tile_width / 2, .y = iso->tile_height / 2}; const ivec2 so = ivec2_add(o, ivec2_add(ivec2_scale(vx, x), ivec2_scale(vy, y))); draw_tile(iso, so, tile); } const Pixel* isogfx_get_screen_buffer(const IsoGfx* iso) { assert(iso); return iso->screen; }