{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} module Pong ( GameEvent (..), GameObject, newWorld, stepWorld, aabb, ) where import Spear.Math.AABB import Spear.Math.Algebra import Spear.Math.Spatial import Spear.Math.Spatial2 import Spear.Math.Vector import Spear.Prelude import Spear.Step import Data.Monoid (mconcat) -- Configuration padSize = vec2 0.07 0.015 ballSize = 0.012 :: Float ballSpeed = 0.7 :: Float initialBallVelocity = vec2 1 1 maxBounceAngle = (65::Float) * (pi::Float)/(180::Float) playerSpeed = 1.0 :: Float enemySpeed = 7.0 :: Float enemyMomentum = 0.1 :: Float initialEnemyPos = vec2 0.5 0.9 initialPlayerPos = vec2 0.5 0.1 initialBallPos = vec2 0.5 0.5 -- Game events data GameEvent = MoveLeft | MoveRight deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- Game objects data GameObject = GameObject { aabb :: AABB2, basis :: Transform2, gostep :: Step [GameObject] [GameEvent] GameObject GameObject } instance Has2dTransform GameObject where set2dTransform transform object = object { basis = transform } transform2 = basis instance Positional GameObject Vector2 where setPosition p = with2dTransform (setPosition p) position = position . basis translate v = with2dTransform (translate v) instance Rotational GameObject Vector2 Angle where setRotation r = with2dTransform (setRotation r) rotation = rotation . basis rotate angle = with2dTransform (rotate angle) right = right . basis up = up . basis forward = forward . basis setForward v = with2dTransform (setForward v) instance Spatial GameObject Vector2 Angle Transform2 where setTransform t obj = obj { basis = t } transform = basis ballBox, padBox :: AABB2 ballBox = AABB2 (vec2 (-s) (-s)) (vec2 s s) where s = ballSize padBox = AABB2 (-padSize) padSize newWorld = [ GameObject ballBox (makeAt initialBallPos) $ stepBall initialBallVelocity, GameObject padBox (makeAt initialEnemyPos) stepEnemy, GameObject padBox (makeAt initialPlayerPos) stepPlayer ] where makeAt = newTransform2 unitx2 unity2 stepWorld :: Elapsed -> Dt -> [GameEvent] -> [GameObject] -> [GameObject] stepWorld elapsed dt evts gos = map (update elapsed dt evts gos) gos update :: Elapsed -> Dt -> [GameEvent] -> [GameObject] -> GameObject -> GameObject update elapsed dt evts gos go = let (go', s') = runStep (gostep go) elapsed dt gos evts go in go' {gostep = s'} -- Ball steppers stepBall vel = collideBall vel .> moveBall collideBall :: Vector2 -> Step [GameObject] e GameObject (Vector2, GameObject) collideBall vel = step $ \_ dt gos _ ball -> let (AABB2 pmin pmax) = translate (position ball) (aabb ball) sideCollision = x pmin < 0 || x pmax > 1 backCollision = y pmin < 0 || y pmax > 1 flipX v@(Vector2 x y) = if sideCollision then vec2 (-x) y else v flipY v@(Vector2 x y) = if backCollision then vec2 x (-y) else v vel' = normalise . (\v -> foldl (paddleBounce ball) v (tail gos)) . flipX . flipY $ vel collision = vel' /= vel -- Apply offset when collision occurs to avoid sticky collisions. delta = (1::Float) + if collision then (3::Float)*dt else (0::Float) in ((ballSpeed * delta * vel', ball), collideBall vel') paddleBounce :: GameObject -> Vector2 -> GameObject -> Vector2 paddleBounce ball v paddle = if collide ball paddle then let (AABB2 pmin pmax) = translate (position paddle) (aabb paddle) center = (x pmin + x pmax) / (2::Float) -- Normalized offset of the ball from the paddle's center, [-1, +1]. -- It's outside the [-1, +1] range if there is no collision. offset = (x (position ball) - center) / ((x pmax - x pmin) / (2::Float)) angle = offset * maxBounceAngle -- When it bounces off of a paddle, y vel is flipped. ysign = -(signum (y v)) in vec2 (sin angle) (ysign * cos angle) else v collide :: GameObject -> GameObject -> Bool collide go1 go2 = let (AABB2 (Vector2 xmin1 ymin1) (Vector2 xmax1 ymax1)) = translate (position go1) (aabb go1) (AABB2 (Vector2 xmin2 ymin2) (Vector2 xmax2 ymax2)) = translate (position go2) (aabb go2) in not $ xmax1 < xmin2 || xmin1 > xmax2 || ymax1 < ymin2 || ymin1 > ymax2 moveBall :: Step s e (Vector2, GameObject) GameObject moveBall = step $ \_ dt _ _ (vel, ball) -> (translate (vel * dt) ball, moveBall) -- Enemy stepper stepEnemy = movePad 0 .> clamp movePad :: Float -> Step [GameObject] e GameObject GameObject movePad previousMomentum = step $ \_ dt gos _ pad -> let ball = head gos offset = (x . position $ ball) - (x . position $ pad) chaseVector = enemySpeed * offset momentum = previousMomentum + enemyMomentum * chaseVector vx = chaseVector + momentum in (translate (vec2 (vx * dt) 0) pad, movePad momentum) sign :: Float -> Float sign x = if x >= 0 then 1 else -1 -- Player stepper stepPlayer = sfold moveGO .> clamp moveGO = mconcat [ swhen MoveLeft $ moveGO' (vec2 (-playerSpeed) 0) , swhen MoveRight $ moveGO' (vec2 playerSpeed 0) ] moveGO' :: Vector2 -> Step s e GameObject GameObject moveGO' dir = step $ \_ dt _ _ go -> (translate (dir * dt) go, moveGO' dir) clamp :: Step s e GameObject GameObject clamp = spure $ \go -> let p' = vec2 (clamp' x s (1 - s)) y (Vector2 x y) = position go clamp' x a b | x < a = a | x > b = b | otherwise = x (Vector2 s _) = padSize in setPosition p' go